Happy Spring and Golf Season!
Many of us are so close to playing our first rounds of golf this year or already have. I wanted to ask a question that I ask myself quite often when I am playing... am I enjoying myself? In my life as a competitive golfer, I thought I had to be serious to play well. Nose to the grindstone type thing. But it turns out, quite the opposite is true. When my true motivation is to experience joy and love for the game, my swing becomes less rigid and I play with playfulness. I try different shots, I feel into my body more, I smile and laugh and get to know my playing partners. I am generally more connected to what I am doing. I leave the golf course more excited and inspired than when I first arrived. At this point, a good outcome is no longer the motivation; it's the byproduct.
This is why many of us experience our first rounds of the year, as our best rounds. We are excited, and we are just happy to be playing. We are not motivated by score. We are motivated by the feeling of golf...the fun of golf. This is who you are when you play your best:) Wishing you an enjoyable start to your season.
Chat soon,
~ Meg